Lakefield have been awarded the Music Mark for excellence in music by providing high quality music experiences for the children and community. |
Lakefield Church of England Primary School has been awarded the 360 degree safe Online Safety Mark by SWGfL through formal assessment of the quality of their online safety provision. This is the premier safety and security assessment that only a small percentage of schools attain, it demonstrates the commitment of the school to cyber security, online safety and training for children, staff, governors and parents. |
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The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. Lakefield has been awarded this and the Green Flag award. |
Lakefield has been awarded the Bronze and Silver Eco Schools Award for excellence in the environment. |
Lakefield has achieved intermediate status for the International Schools award, as a result of our commitment to making lasting, international links and including the wider world and its issues in our curriculum. We have links with schools in Kenya and Salignac. Teachers have taken part in professional development visits to South Africa and Kenya. |

Lakefield school has been awarded the, 'Healthy School' award. This means that as a whole school, including governors, teachers and parents we are striving to develop a healthy environment that allows the children to develop and grow. The award demonstrates out commitment to creating healthy, happy children who do better in learning and life.

Lakefield Primary has been awarded the Gold Artsmark in recognition for their outstanding achievement in the arts. We have a special award to celebrate three successive Gold awards. The school has an excellent reputation for creativity in all aspects of the arts, including the Choir and Bands' performances at many community events. The school has many talented singers and actors who are nurtured and encouraged to perform in the many school productions. If you look in the gallery you will also see some of the fantastic art work produced throughout the school year.
Lakefield has been awarded a 'Quality Mark Lead' award from Achievement for All. This is a scheme that supports the achievement of all children, especially those with Special Educationnal Needs and/or disabilities. Lakefield was one of the national pilot schools for Achievement for All in 2009.

Lakefield has been awarded a Gold Sing Up award. The National Sing Up Awards aim to recognise, celebrate and promote schools who put singing at the heart of school life.
Every year Lakefield Primary enters a team in the Gloucestershire nature quiz.

Lakefield was pleased to be awarded a sports council "Activemark" This demonstrates our achievement and commitment to sport and physical activity.

Lakefield has enjoyed Investors in People status for many years. We value the contributions of all the adults who work at Lakefield, many of whom contribute far beyond the call of duty. Their hard work benefits our pupils.