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At Lakefield Nursery we are fortunate enough to have a spacious classroom which has many areas for learning and development. We offer ‘free-flow’ and the children can choose to play either inside or outside. Our setting has a large outdoor area with a vast variety of resources including trikes/scooters, mud kitchen, water/sand area, chalk board, loose parts and even den building equipment! The children can go out in all weathers as there is a large canopy and several trees to provide shade or shelter. Waterproof clothing and wellies are always readily accessible.

As you may be aware, our Nursery is attached to Lakefield Church of England Primary School. This means that we benefit hugely from the schools facilities too. We often use the library, hall, reflection area, playground and forest school. Our learning has no limits!


Every week we have an outing to Forest School with the schools lovely Reception Class. Research now supports (what we already knew) about Forest Schools. Learning outdoors stimulates our young children. These experiences, over time, increase their self-belief, confidence, enthusiasm and emotional well-being.
Activities here are endless but may include:

  • Den building
  • Tree climbing
  • Observing wildlife/habitats
  • Digging
  • Campfire cooking
  • Imaginative play
  • Singing
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