Enrichment Activities
At Lakefield we are proud of the wide range of enrichment opportunities available to all of our children.
We believe that all children need opportunities to find out their real strengths; what they enjoy, what motivates them and how to feed on success. Many children experience this feeling through activities outside the classroom. For some, sport is a great motivator. Others find success and satisfaction playing a musical instrument. Some discover inner strength and determination through drama and performance, or through learning and speaking a foreign language. Some of our children have blossomed through successes as members of the Nature Quiz team, or the Bowls club.
All children (from year 1 upwards) have the chance to choose from a wide range of after school clubs and activities each term. These include: hockey, rugby, drama, dance, art, creative activities, science, running, rounders and many more!
(Gardening club)
Staff at Lakefield show their commitment to children's enrichment beyond the classroom by volunteering to run clubs each term. In exchange, we ask children to stick with their chosen activity for the full 6 weeks that the club runs.
We offer music tuition in recorder, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, saxophone (from year 6), trumpet, cornet and horn. All children in year 3 and above have the chance to learn an instrument, and we offer bursaries and subsidies to families whose circumstances might make this difficult. Currently over a third of our pupils learn an instrument in school at Key Stage 2. Our school band meets regularly and performs at concerts and to the school. Special parts are written to ensure that as many children as possible participate. Children are entered for Associated Board music examinations when their music teachers deem them to be ready.
On the sports field, we take part in local leagues and tournaments, as well as friendly matches. During the past 12 months, children have taken part in athletics events, rounders, cricket, netball, football, hockey, rugby, swimming, bowls and tennis fixtures.
Children take part in the annual dance festival, and we have a tradition of high standards in dance for all pupils (boys and girls). We have links with many local clubs, and medals and trophies for sport feature in most of our Friday celebration assemblies.