The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education suitable to their age, aptitude, and any special educational need they may have. It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives that education either by attendance at a school or by education elsewhere. Where parents decide to have their child registered at school, they have an additional legal duty to ensure their child attends that school regularly. This means their child must attend every day that the school is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or being given permission for an absence, in advance, from the school. Lakefield Church of England Primary School believes that to facilitate teaching and learning, good attendance is essential. Pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school. Attendance and punctuality will be monitored throughout the year.
Day to Day Absence: Mrs Angela Marquez or Mrs Della Cowley 01452 740205
Attendance Lead: Mr Ian Williams - 01452 740205
Definitions regarding absence types.
▪ Arrival at school after the register has closed
▪ Not attending school for any reason
Authorised absence:
▪ An absence for sickness for which the school has granted leave
▪ Medical or dental appointments which unavoidably fall during school time, for which the school has granted leave
▪ Religious or cultural observances for which the school has granted leave
▪ An absence due to a family emergency
Unauthorised absence:
▪ Absence due to day trips and holidays in term-time which have not been agreed
▪ Parents keeping children off school unnecessarily or without reason
▪ Truancy before or during the school day
▪ Absences which have never been properly explained
▪ Arrival at school after the register has closed
▪ Absence due to shopping, looking after other children or birthdays
▪ Leaving school for no reason during the day Persistent absence (PA):
▪ Missing 10 percent or more of schooling across the year for any reason
SEND/ Medical/ Health Related Absence Statement
The school recognises that pupils with SEND and/or health conditions, including mental health issues, may face greater barriers to attendance than their peers, and will incorporate robust procedures to support pupils who find attending school difficult. In line with the schools SEND Policy and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy, the school will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for disabled pupils to reduce barriers to attendance, in line with any EHC plans or IHPs that have been implemented. The school will attempt to secure additional support from external partners to help bolster attendance where appropriate. Where the school has concerns that a pupil’s non-attendance may be related to mental health issues, parents will be contacted to discuss the issue and whether there are any contributory factors to their child’s lack of attendance. Where staff have a mental health concern about a pupil that is also a safeguarding concern, they will inform the DSL and the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy will be followed. If a pupil is unable to attend school for long periods of time due to their health, the school will:
▪ Inform the LA if a pupil is likely to be away from the school for more than 15 school days.
▪ Provide the LA with information about the pupil’s needs, capabilities, and programme of work.
▪ Help the pupil reintegrate at school when they return.
▪ Make sure the pupil is kept informed about school events and clubs.
▪ Encourage the pupil to stay in contact with other pupils during their absence. The school will incorporate an action plan to help any pupils with SEND and/or health issues cope with the stress and anxiety that attending school may cause them. Such plans will be regularly monitored and reviewed until the pupil is attending school as normal and there has been signs of significant improvement. To support the attendance of pupils with SEND and/or health issues, the school will consider:
▪ Holding termly meetings to evaluate any implemented reasonable adjustments.
▪ Incorporating a pastoral support plan.
▪ Carrying out strengths and difficulties questionnaire.
▪ Identifying pupils’ unmet needs through the Common Assessment Framework.
▪ Using an internal or external specialist.
▪ Enabling a pupil to have a reduced timetable.
▪ Ensuring a pupil can have somewhere quiet to spend lunch and breaktimes.
▪ Implementing a system whereby pupils can request to leave a classroom if they feel they need time out.
▪ Temporary late starts or early finishes.
▪ Phased returns to school where there has been a long absence.
▪ Tailored support to meet their individual needs