Missing persons including children
Gloucestershire Police
PC Christina Pfister (Missing persons Coordinator Gloucestershire Police).
Call 101 (Gloucestershire Police)
Children’s Helpdesk: 01452 426565 (8am-5pm).
Out of office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) 01452 61 4194
The ASTRA (Alternative Solutions To Running Away) has the primary aim of reducing the incidence of persistent running away across Gloucestershire. The project provides support, advice and information to young people up to eighteen years old who have run away. This might be from a family home, foster home or from a residential unit. ASTRA provides support after the event to enable a young person to address the causes of running away.
The ASTRA project offers young people help and the support required to find Alternative Solutions To Running Away. Freephone Telephone number: 0800-389-4992 EXCLUSIVELY for young people who have run away and have no money. All other callers are asked to use the ‘ordinary’ number ( tel: 01452 541599).