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Physical Education curriculum information

curriculum Information

At the copyright request of GetSet4PE we have removed most of the documents that were located above.  


At Lakefield, Physical Education (PE) Physical Activity (PA) and School Sport (SS) are all an integral part of our curriculum which challenges, engages and excites pupils and staff alike. PE is a vital part of the educational experience as a whole and is fully embraced and valued by staff and children. Children are able to access a broad range of sports and physical activities to enable them to develop the knowledge, skills, competence and confidence to excel. Our intent is to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities to allow all our pupils to achieve their personal best. Children are exposed to a range of opportunities through their time at Lakefield, including participating in competitive sports at a range of levels where we adopt and promote the School Games values of Honesty, Passion, Respect, Determination, Self-belief and Teamwork. Our intent is for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time and be able to make their own informed choices regarding leading healthy, active lives. We also regard swimming as an important, necessary life skill, aspiring to ensure all our children are able to swim at least 25m confidently by the time they leave us as well as being able to perform basic self-rescue techniques. 


  • Primary PE and Sport Premium money is well managed and used to enhance the provision for all children at Lakefield.
  • All children participate in at least 2 hours of high-quality PE lessons per week.
  • A broad, balanced curriculum to engage all children and ensure appropriate skill development across the school has been designed and is constantly reviewed to meet the needs of all our pupils.
  • Specialist Sports Coach provides high quality CPD for staff in an area of their choice, team-teaching their classes and modelling best practice.
  • All classes from Y1-Y6 attend a block of 6 swimming lessons each year.
  • A range of high-quality extra-curricular sports clubs are offered each term to both KS1 and KS2 children.
  • All classes have regular ‘movement breaks’ in class including Go Noodle, Joe Wicks, BBC Supermovers etc to ensure they are working towards their 30 active minutes per day target.
  • Provision of a wide range of equipment outside for children to select from, ensures more children are physically active during break and lunch times.
  • Y5 children are trained as Young Leaders and deliver games and activities to Infant children at lunch time.
  • All classes access Forest School sessions on a rota basis.
  • Children are given opportunities to attend local inter school sports tournaments, festivals and School Games events.
  • As a school we are members of two local sports associations and have a good working relationship with our local SGO, providing as many opportunities for inter school sports as possible.
  • The ‘Lakefield Games’ allow all children in KS2 to participate in Intra school competitions in their house teams.
  • All children participate in our annual Sports Day.
  • A Sports Crew with representatives from all classes from Y1-Y6 help to plan, promote and run a range of sporting events and activities throughout the school year, ensuring pupil voice is at the centre of everything we offer.


At Lakefield we strive to ensure that all pupils are offered a high quality, progressive curriculum in PE ensuring their fitness and wellbeing levels are at the heart of everything we do. We encourage our pupils to be physically active and make sure that they understand the importance of taking ownership of their own personal health and fitness. We embed the School Games values and instil the importance of fair play and good sportsmanship in all our children and are proud of the high percentage of Year 6 children who leave us with the skills to self-rescue in the water and swim at least 25m confidently. Our progress in PE provision in recent years has been recognised with the repeated achievement of the Gold School Games award, something we are very proud of.

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