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Lakefield Nursery provides up to 15 hours of funded early years places, per week, for 3 and 4 year olds. Please see the table below for information relating to when funding entitlement starts.

Child’s Birthday

Funding Entitlement Starts

Between 1 January and 31 March

Summer Term (April)

Between 1 April and 31 August

Autumn Term (September)

Between 1 September and 31 December

Spring Term (January)


The funded sessions are:

Morning session (9am-12pm) = 3 hours funded

Lunchtime session (12pm-12.30pm) = ½ hour not funded

Afternoon session (12.30pm-3.30pm) = 3 hours funded


If your child stays all day (or they stay for the morning session plus lunch) you will be invoiced £2.75 per lunch time session as this is not covered in the funded hours at Lakefield Nursery.

If your child attends for more than the 15 funded hours per week, you will be charged £5.50 for each additional hour.


If your child is not yet entitled to the Government funded hours, the charges are as follows:



Morning (9am-12pm)


Lunchtime (12pm-12.30pm)


Afternoon (12.30pm-3.30pm)



£35.75 per full day

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