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Members of the Governing Body

Resources (Finance, Staffing and Premises) Curriculum
Barry Wyatt (Chair) Sarah Rowntree Keith Withers (Chair)
Mike Jones Pip Veale (SBM) Laura Lee
Keith Withers Ian Williams Bob Roberts
Tabitha Dickson   Zoe Westoby
    Kelly Turner
    Pip Haines
    Keith Withers
    Ian Williams
Church, School and Community Additional Childcare Performance Management
Martin Greaves (Chair) Andrea Welby (Chair) Bob Roberts
Liz Palin (Vicar) Hwyel Moss Martin Greaves
Bob Roberts Pip Haines Keith Withers
Andrea Welby Sarah Rowntree  
Ian Williams Ian Williams  
Chair of Governors Keith Withers kwithers@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk or chair@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Governor for Safeguarding Bob Roberts broberts@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Governor for Safeguarding Sarah Rowntree srowntree@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Governor for Looked After Children (LAC)/CIC (Child(ren) In Care) Bob Roberts broberts@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Governor for SEND Martin Greaves mgreaves@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Governor for Pupil Premium Bob Roberts broberts@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
Governor for English    
Governor for Mathematics Sarah Rowntree srowntree@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk
School Link Governor Andrea Welby awelby@lakefield.gloucs.sch.uk

Terms of Office

Name Classification Elected by Term of office start date Term of office end date Pecuniary interests
Mrs Kelly Turner Parent Governor Parent election 6th September 2022 5th September 2026 None declared
Mr Mike Jones Parent Governor Parent election 6th September 2022 5th September 2026 None declared
Mrs Pip Haines Parent Governor Parent election 6th September 2022 5th September 2026 None declared
Dr Tabitha Dickson Parent Governor Parent election 23rd May 2024 22nd May 2028 None declared
Mr Martin Greaves Foundation Governor Church (PCC) 1st Septmber 2020 31st August 2024 None declared
Mr Bob Roberts

Ex Officio

(Foundation Governor)

Church (PCC) 1st Septmeber 2020 31st August 2024 None declared
Mr Hywel Moss Co-opted Governor Governing Body and DGAT. 10th October 2022 9th October 2026 None declared
Mrs Andrea Welby Co-opted Governor Governing Body and DGAT. 10th October 2022 9th October 2026 None declared
Mrs Sarah Rowntree Co-opted Governor Governing Body and DGAT. 10th October 2022 9th October 2026 None declared
Barry Wyatt Co-opted Governor Governing Body and DGAT. 10th October 2022 9th October 2026 None declared
Dr Zoe Westoby Co-opted Governor Governing Body and DGAT. 10th October 2022 9th October 2026 None declared
Mr Keith Withers (Chair) Co-opted Governor Governing Body and DGAT. 10th October 2022 9th October 2026 None declared
Mrs Susan Burton Clerk to the Governors Ex officio Ex officio Ex officio None declared
Mrs Laura Lee Staff Governor (Staff) Staff 12th October 2020 11th October 2024 None declared
Mr Ian Williams Headteacher Ex officio Ex officio No end date None declared

The instrument of Government for Lakefield Church of England Primary sets the maximum number of Governors as being 14.  A copy of the Intrument of Government can be downloaded below.

Please note that Lakefield became a convertor Academy on the 1st of September 2016 and decided to make the LA governor position a Co-opted position.

Meeting attendance information and meeting terms/dates

Names of Governors who have left the Governing Body in the last 12 months

Name Date of leaving


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