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Curriculum information and design principles


Curriculum information

Curriculum overview

Our Curriculum

At Lakefield Church of England Primary School we passionately believe that the children’s needs and interests are rightly at the heart of our curriculum

The approach we use to deliver the curriculum helps the children make ‘links’ within their learning, so aiding their understanding. Each class undertakes a theme each term, learning in our school is developed through a curriculum that is both rich and vibrant, containing many first hand experiences which help to put the children’s learning into context; artists, scientists, musicians, actors, clergy, charity representatives, as well as sportsmen and women are all regular visitors to the school.

We use a number of different approaches to explore and deliver the themes to ensure we enable our children to develop all the skills they need to be confident and successful learners.   We involve our children as we value their ideas and contributions. We firmly believe that children learn best when they are at the heart of the process.  We want our children to be to develop an insatiable appetite for learning through hands on, creative, problem solving activities and challenges allowing them to be inquisitive and curious; through this preparing them to be ready to face the future demands of learning in Secondary School, so that they are ready to take their place as citizens in Modern Britain.

Phonics and Reading

In reception, year 1 and year 2 the children learn from the Little Wandle Collins Big Cat scheme, as it provides a structured approach to teaching and is SSP approved.  It provides a structured approach to teaching literacy and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers which meets the expectations of the National Curriculum.

Christian Values

Our whole school Christian Values underpin how we work and play and we believe these to be central to the value of the school. We focus on our pupils developing an understanding of their role within their own community and how they can contribute beyond to British society and the world.

Life Questions

As a Church of England School we also believe in asking our pupils to think about the big questions in life. We do this through our Worship and RE lessons but we also create sessions for Philosophy for Children. It is important to us that we develop a respect for ideas and provide opportunities for our children to grow spiritually and ethically within a supportive and respectful community.

Philosophy for Children (P4C)

Members of staff have achieved level 1 in P4C with some members of staff trained to level 2 standard.


Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) study French as part of the curriculum using the Language Angels programme

Department of Education

The Department of Education website contains the full National Curriculum for schools in England.  A link has been provided to make it easier to find out more information.

Please follow: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum

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