Our offer of Early Help
Early Help for Children and Families at Lakefield
By providing early help for our children and families we aim to support them as soon as a problem emerges. We aim to support the child and the family at the different stages of development and throughout their time here at Lakefield.
Staff and Governors are involved in the provision of early help including:
Governor for Safeguarding Lead: Mr Bob Roberts
Designated Safety Lead (Overall school and extended services): Mr Ian Williams
Deputy Designated Safety Lead: Mrs Laura Lee
Deputy Designated Safety Lead: Miss Michelle Beacham
Deputy Designated Safety Lead: Mrs Amanda Ford
SENDCO: Mrs Amanda Ford
Staff meet to discuss issues including:
How the child presents |
Behaviour |
Additional needs |
Attitudes to learning |
Family issues |
Friendships |
Support service engagement |
General progress |
Relationships |
This allows us to identify any children and families that would benefit from early help, it allows us to help them access to services in the school and beyond the school. From these meetings we create a list of our vulnerable pupils.
At school all staff have completed Child Protection training and this is updated regurarly.
Prevent Training – Radicalisation.
Staff and governors have received Prevent training.
We follow the mantra:
Child Sexual Exploitation
All staff at Lakefield have been trained to identify early cases of child sexual exploitation. At school we use the Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Screening tool if we have concerns.
Female Genital Mutilation
All staff received training on FGM. Teachers know how to identify if a child may be at risk. They are aware of the countries and places within this country where children may be taken to for this to happen. They know the signs to look for and most importantly how to refer, following the schools safeguarding procedures.
Meeting the needs of the children
Pupil Voice – our children are actively encouraged to speak about any concerns, in lessons children are taught to speak openly about their emotions throughout our curriculum. Our children know our staff take all their concerns very seriously and know they will act on the concerns.
- Pupil voice is monitored regurarly
- The GHLL online survey is completed by year 4 and 6 pupils
- Children’s questionnaires ascertain if they feel happy and safe at school – children who comment negatively on this have 1:1 briefings
- Children discuss E-Safety this helps to identify any issues. Parents are informed and training is offered
- We hold regular assemblies on E-Safety, stranger danger, water safety etc etither through the Police or other outside agencies
- We work with the NSPCC and the Police to provide pupils with the information on how to keep themselves safe
Our school has high expectations of attendance. Attendance below the set target is addressed by meeting with the parents to look at reasons behind this. The school, as does the DfE and Local Authority, expects the children to attend 100% of the time. Holidays during term time are not authorised except in exceptional circumstances and failure to attend 100% of the time could result in prosecution by the Local Authority.
The school evaluates attendance on a termly basis and a report is provide as part of the Governing Body meetings.
The school operates an email, text and call system to check on the whereabouts of a child if there has been no notification of absence via email or on our telephone message service.
- All teachers and staff know precisely how to identify and report concerns.
- Staff record their concerns about any safeguarding issues on a school proforma and these are handed in to the DSL.
- Child protection files are kept by the head teacher, they build up a chronology.
- The school follows the 'Missing from Education' guidance.
- All new staff complete safeguarding inductions.
- The head teacher has signed up for GSCB alerts.
We have evidence that staff have read:
- Keeping children safe in education
- Safer working practice
- SEND Policy
- Completion of disqualification by association.
Our behaviour policy is built around our Values. Our Values of Respect, Trust, Truthfulness, Perseverance, Courage, Friendship and Forgiveness (underpinning all others). Children know how to identify what is bullying and what being unkind is. We have anti-bullying week and use our values to unpin the work. We work with the NSPCC to help children understand further the consequences of bullying and to let them know how they can find help through projects such as Child Line if the need arises
How we support our pupils and families
SENDCO - works with children and families with additional needs and can signpost parents to many different agencies including for example, speech and language therapists, Educational Psychologists, health workers and occupational health services.
Designated Safeguarding Lead –ensure rigorous and robust systems in place within the school to ensure the safety of all of our children. We always act in the interest of the child without fear or favour.
We also liaise with other agencies and people within the local community:
Gloucestershire Early Help Hub: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/extra/Early-Help-Hubs
Community Social workers
Local Community Police Officer
Mental Health – Healthy Living and Learning: GHLL
Family Information Service www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/fis
Families First
At Lakefield Church of England Primary early assessments help identify the specific needs of our children and families, so that they can be assigned to the correct interventions for their educational, social and emotional needs.
Some interventions
- 1:1 support: support from a qualified professional
- Group interventions - support for small groups of children from a qualified professional
Speech and Language Therapy: supporting across the curriculum directed by Speech Therapist - Occupational Therapy: supporting across the curriculum directed by Occupational Therapy
- Pastoral activities: HLTA or TA - supporting across the curriculum
- Talk Boost - supporting across the curriculum
- Support for language development
More information on the graduated pathway can be found by following this link:
Our policy on early help along with our policy on the prevent agenda can be found in the policies section of this website with SEND information located in the SEND section.