Pupil Premium
The government gives schools a 'pupil premium' to support the achievement of children whose circumstances may make them vulnerable. This includes children entitled to free school meals and children who are 'looked after'.
The government requires that we make public how we spend the 'pupil premium'. Members of the school governing body (and particularly the Resources (Finance and Staffing Committee)) have a detailed oversight of how the funds are used. This level of detail is updated regularly.
At Lakefield, the 'pupil premium' is used as follows (examples of provision):
- to provide 1-to-1 or small group tuition, for 'catch up' or 'booster' work
- to provide additional teaching assistants or Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) to address children's specific needs
- to provide focussed teaching and support for children identified as at risk of underachieving
- to support children's involvement in after-school and holiday activities where a payment might otherwise prevent the child taking part
The targeted use of pupil premium is at the discretion of the Headteacher.