At Lakefield School, we always encourage the children to come to school looking smart, we only ask for three logoed items (jumper/cardigan, polo shirt and a white PE top). All other items can be purchased from local supermarkets such as trousers, shoes and trainers etc.
The school uniform is as follows:-
- Royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo (Required)
- Royal blue polo shirts with the school logo (Required)
- Grey trousers (Required)
- Grey skirt (Required)
- Black school shoes (no boots) (Required)
Optional summer items include:-
- Blue and white checked or striped dresses
- Smart, plain, grey shorts.
School uniform can be purchased from Price and Buckland or The My Uniform Shop (formally Tesco) or by following these links:
- Online from Price and Buckland - please click here
- Online from The My Uniform Shop - please click here
(Please note the school will not process orders for any retailer).
Second hand uniform is sold by the PTA on a regular basis during the school year (please contact the school office or the PTA to find out more information).
School lunches
School lunches are provided by Caterlink.
We ask you to pay for school meals online at www.parentpay.com
Please ask at the school office if you need a reminder of your login details.