Religious Education
Satement of Entitlement of Religious Education
Underpinning the requirements for Religious Education in our church school, is the ‘Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education’ as set out by the Church of England Education Office. This document sets out the aims for developing religiously educated individuals. We aim to include these aims into our own teaching, so that children in our school are provided with quality teaching and learning.
Children are taught Religious Education in a cycle that supports the class structure of the school, and whilst we provide the children with a broad, rich and experiential curriculum, which is delivered through a thematic approach, we keep the integrity of Religious Education by teaching this discretely within themes.
At Lakefield we use the agreed Gloucestershire syllabus (a copy of which can be downloaded below) and Understanding Christianity. Understanding Christianity dovetails with our agreed syllabus to form the foundation of our Religious Education curriculum. Understanding Christianity can be viewed by following this link: Understanding Christianity.

Religious Education is part of the basic curriculum for all registered pupils. It has the same status as the Core Subjects of Mathematics, English and Science. As a Church of England school we base our religious education firmly on the Christian faith and our school values, as well as instilling in our children a respect and tolerance of other religious beliefs.
The locally agreed syllabus is followed, a copy of which is available on request. As part of the new curriculum Lakefield follows 'Understanding Christianity' as the main driver.
Parents have the right to exempt their child from religious education. Those wishing to do so should notify the Head Teacher in writing.
Virtual Tours
The following are links to virtual tours - please note the links will take you outside of the school website so please check before using.
Virtual Guided Tour of the Cambridge Central Mosque – Open Cambridge - YouTube
Places of Worship: Judaism - a Synagogue and Artefacts - YouTube
Visiting a Mandir (Hindu Temple) | Religious Studies - My Life, My Religion: Hinduism - YouTube
Religions of the World
Animated BBC films to teach 3-7 year olds about different religions:
My Life, My Religion
Short BBC films for 7-11 year olds featuring children from 5 of the world’s major religions:
Charlie and Blue
Charlie and Blue films visiting places of worship, celebrating some festivals and much more 7 films suitable for 5-7 year olds.
BBC Bitesize
7-11 year olds can find out about different religions and non-religious worldviews through BBC Bitesize.
True Tube
A series of films suitable for pupils aged 7-11 on a variety of topics such as a History of Islam in 10 minutes, the Easter story in 3 parts, a day in the life of a vicar, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, visits to places of worship.