Welcome to Class 2

Welcome to Year 2, the final year of Key Stage 1, a year of fun and learning.
In Autumn term we start with our history topics with the theme of Fire! with the Gunpowder Plot and The Great Fire of London. For our Geography we monitor weather patterns of the seasons and discuss the changes of the trees and plants each season. In Design Technology we look at linkages and levers to create a moving (fire breathing) dragon. In science we investigate how our bodies change through our lifespan as well as the life cycle of other animals. We finish the term with a fabulous Christmas Performance to the school and our parents.
In Spring term we do a virtual tour of the world learning about the continents and oceans, looking at the Wonders of the World. In History we learn about the development of transport with a focus on locomotives. We also focus on reading a wide variety of fairytales then look at alternative versions - this is a lot of fun!
In the Summer term we have our swimming lessons at Dursley Pool on a Friday morning. In History we look at Holidays in the Past and compare to modern types of holidays, including the transport and activities. In our Geography we investigate Animals and their habitats in our local area. Then of course we finish with our fabulous School Sports Day.
Throughout the year in maths we focus on learning our 2, 10 and 5 times tables and learning to tell the time to each quarter hour.
Year Two Staff
Mrs Lee teaches Year 2. and is supported by Miss Jones, Mrs Westoby and Mrs Sprague.