Breakfast and After School
Lakefield Breakfast Club and After School Club provide activities and care for children aged 4-11 years of age, in a safe, happy environment, supervised by professional, experienced staff.
Breakfast is provided for the children in the Breakfast Club and a snack for children attending the After School Club. Children are supervised by club staff at all times during club hours.
Breakfast Club sessions start at 7:45am. Breakfast is served between 7:45 and 8.30 am and the children are encouraged to enjoy a healthy start to the day. Children from all year groups (reception to year 6) help to set the tables and sit down together to eat their breakfast.
After School Club starts at the end of the school day and finishes at 6.00pm. After school activities are carefully planned and the children are encouraged to develop their own creativity within these.
The After School Club also provides a quiet area for children wishing to complete their homework activities or who would like to enjoy some quiet time. The After School Club children also have a range of outdoor play equipment that they are able to use in the safety of the school environment.
All pupils aged 4-11 are eligible to join the Lakefield Breakfast or After School Club. Nursery children may attend the Breakfast Club by arrangement.
For more information please contact the school by clicking here, or by telephone - 01452 740205.