Changes to admission policy.
As of September 2016 Lakefield Church of England Primary School became a converter academy with the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT).
Normal entry
Lakefield will use the policy found in the downloads section below, Gloucestershire County Council will administer the policy on behalf of Lakefield Church of England Primary School.
In year admissions (outside of normal entry times)
If you would like to apply for a place outside of the normal admission time then please complete the 'In Year Admissions Form' by downloading it from below and returining it to the school. The form and other information can also be viewed by following this link: In Year Admissions.
Admissions consultation
The consultation opened on Monday 6th of November 2023.
The consultation closed on Monday 18th of December 2023 (The documents and links have now been removed as the consultation window has closed).